Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Danspiritual One Year Aniversary Night!

Monday 14h September 

Dear dancers,

It is a year we have been dancing together! Can you believe it?
Dozens of people of so many nationalities and walks. Once a week. Each time a different experience and a new music playlist made with lots of love. So many friendships were born.
A lot to be thankful for! 

Are you coming to dance and celebrate a year of having met each other united by our passion for dancing?

I hope yes!



Danspiritual Info

What about a dancing evening to feel connected to yourself and energise your soul, mind and body to the rhythm of irresistible dancing music?

Danspiritual is my response to a personal need to share something that gives me lots of energy and pleasure. While dancing I am fully present, flowing in total harmony. My aim with these sessions is to provide the space so more people can enjoy this liberating experience regularly.

Danspiritual combines short relaxation and mindfulness exercises with a full hour of freestyle barefoot dancing.
A chance to celebrate, burn calories, relax, express ourselves, allow the wisdom of the body take over and have fun.
I use music that makes me dance and creates the tempo and mood for each moment of the session. 

No age limit. No previous dancing experience required. No choreographies.

To get the latest news sign to:
Danspiritual Facebook
Danspiritual Meetup