Friday, October 12, 2018

Shamanistic Danspiritual Picnic in Westerpark
Saturday 13th October at 11am.

You have heard that on Saturday we will have 26°C. You have no plans yet but know that dancing is something that you'd like to do more; that you spend far too many hours inside; that hanging with like-minded people is what fuels your spirit. So what about doing something different this Saturday?

Where? Westerpark BBQ area. (See map below)
What time? We start the session at 11 am. and dance for an hour.
What I'll be doing? You are up on a journey through the whole spectrum of the Four Natural Elements’s while free-style dancing and then: Picnic!
What I am supposed to bring? Water, a picnic cloth, vegetarian or vegan food and drinks to share, your friends, your favorite aunt, kids, musical instruments and pets.
How much it costs? €10. You bring someone, you pay for one.

****Illustration: "Picnic in the woods" by Risa Luna (Patricia Vega). You want one? Link at the bottom of this mail.

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